Ocarina of Time 3D Save Format

A table with information about the OoT3D Save Format. Documented using hundreds of Save File dumps.


Type Description
Unknown The data may be used for unknown purposes.
Unused The data is not used by the game.
Collection The data is related and grouped together. Click to toggle.
Record The data is a structure. Click to view it.

Offset Length Usage Info
0000-0003 0004 Entrance Index Stores the Entrance Link starts/respawns at.
0004-0007 0004 Age
0008-000B 0004 Cutscene Offset
000C-000D 0002 Time of Day
000E 0001 Master Quest Flag? Could be a coincidence, but after a brief look at various saves, all Master Quest files had the value 0x1 on this byte, while all Regular files had the value 0x0.
000E-001B 000E ?
001C-002B 0010 File Name Unicode
002C 0001 File Name Length
002D 0001 Targeting Mode
002E-002F 0002 ?
0030-0035 0006 Unknown Contains the string "ZELDAZ". If different, the save will be considered corrupt even if the checksum is valid.
0036-0037 0002 Save Counter Does not seem to be used ingame.
0038-003F 0008 Unknown Each of these bytes seem to always have the value DF
0040-0041 0002 ?
0042-0043 0002 Heart Containers 0x10 for each heart
0044-0045 0002 Health 0x10 for each heart
0046 0001 Magic Meter Size
0047 0001 Magic
0048-0049 0002 Rupees
004A-0053 000A ?
0054-005F 000C Equipment Data (Child) Stores what you've equipped as a child. The Child record is updated to the Current record when you turn into an adult.
0054 0001 B Button
0055 0001 Y Button
0056 0001 X Button
0057 0001 I Button
0058 0001 II Button
0059 0001 Y Button Slot
005A 0001 X Button Slot
005B 0001 I Button Slot
005C 0001 II Button Slot
005D 0001 Unused
005E 0001 Sword & Shield
005F 0001 Tunic & Boots
0060-006B 000C Equipment Data (Adult) Stores what you've equipped as an adult. The Adult record is updated to the Current record when you turn into a child.
0060 0001 B Button
0061 0001 Y Button
0062 0001 X Button
0063 0001 I Button
0064 0001 II Button
0065 0001 Y Button Slot
0066 0001 X Button Slot
0067 0001 I Button Slot
0068 0001 II Button Slot
0069 0001 Unused
006A 0001 Sword & Shield
006B 0001 Tunic & Boots
006C-007D 0012 ?
007E-007F 0002 Scene Index Determines which scene Link starts/respawns at when you're in a dungeon.
0080-008B 000C Equipment Data (Current) Stores what you currently have equipped.
0080 0001 B Button
0081 0001 Y Button
0082 0001 X Button
0083 0001 I Button
0084 0001 II Button
0085 0001 Y Button Slot
0086 0001 X Button Slot
0087 0001 I Button Slot
0088 0001 II Button Slot
0089 0001 Unused
008A 0001 Sword & Shield
008B 0001 Tunic & Boots
008C-00A5 001A Item Slot Item Stores which items you have on each Item Slot.
008C 0001 Deku Stick
008D 0001 Deku Nut
008E 0001 Bombs
008F 0001 Fairy Bow When changing Arrow in the sub-menu, this value is changed.
0090 0001 Fire Arrow This byte is what decides whether or not you have the Fire Arrow.
0091 0001 Din's Fire
0092 0001 Fairy Slingshot
0093 0001 Ocarina This byte is what decides which Ocarina you have.
0094 0001 Bombchus
0095 0001 Hook/longshot
0096 0001 Ice Arrow This byte is what decides whether or not you have the Ice Arrow.
0097 0001 Farore's Wind
0098 0001 Boomerang
0099 0001 Lens of Truth
009A 0001 Magic Beans
009B 0001 Megaton Hammer
009C 0001 Light Arrow This byte is what decides whether or not you have the Light Arrow.
009D 0001 Nayru's Love
009E 0001 Bottle #1
009F 0001 Bottle #2
00A0 0001 Bottle #3
00A1 0001 Bottle #4
00A2 0001 Adult Trade Item
00A3 0001 Child Trade Item
00A4 0001 Iron Boots If you have the boots in the Tunic&Boots byte you can't write another item onto this slot without having it revert back whenever you open the Item Menu, load a scene, or watch a cutscene.
00A5 0001 Hover Boots If you have the boots in the Tunic&Boots byte you can't write another item onto this slot without having it revert back whenever you open the Item Menu, load a scene, or watch a cutscene.
00A6-00B4 000F Item Slot Amount Stores how many you have of each item.
00A6 0001 Deku Stick
00A7 0001 Deku Nut
00A8 0001 Bomb
00A9 0001 Arrow
00AA 0001 Fire Arrow Unused.
00AB 0001 Din's Fire Unused.
00AC 0001 Fairy Slingshot
00AD 0001 Ocarina Unused.
00AE 0001 Bombchu
00AF 0001 Hook/longshot Unused.
00B0 0001 Ice Arrow Unused.
00B1 0001 Farore's Wind Unused.
00B2 0001 Boomerang Unused.
00B3 0001 Lens of Truth Unused.
00B4 0001 Magic Bean
00B5 0001 Magic Beans Available The amount of Magic Beans still available for purchase.
00B6-00BA 0005 Equipment Data
00B6 0001 Sword & Shield
00B7 0001 Tunic & Boots As long as you have the Iron/Hover Boots in this byte, the game will prevent you from overwriting the Iron/Hover Boots slots and revert the item back again.
00B8 0001 Quiver, Bomb Bag & Strength Upgrade
00B9 0001 Dive Meter, Wallet & Bullet Bag
00BA 0001 Deku Stick & Nut Capacity
00BB 0001 Unused
00BC-00BF 0004 Quest Status Data
00BC 0001 Medallions, Minuet & Bolero
00BD 0001 Songs
00BE 0001 SoT, SoS, Spiritual Stones & Gear
00BF 0001 Heart Pieces
00C0-00D3 0014 Dungeon Items
00C0 0001 Deku Tree
00C1 0001 Dodongo's Cavern
00C2 0001 Jabu-Jabu's Belly
00C3 0001 Forest Temple
00C4 0001 Fire Temple
00C5 0001 Water Temple
00C6 0001 Spirit Temple
00C7 0001 Shadow Temple
00C8 0001 Bottom of the Well
00C9 0001 Ice Cavern
00CA 0001 Ganon's Castle (Second Part)
00CB 0001 Gerudo Training Ground Unused.
00CC 0001 Gerudo Fortress Unused.
00CD 0001 Ganon's Castle (First Part) Unused.
00CE 0001 Ganon's Castle (Floor beneath boss chamber) Unused.
00CF 0001 Ganon's Castle (Crumbling) Unused.
00D0 0001 Treasure Chest Shop Unused.
00D1 0001 Deku Tree Boss Room Unused.
00D2 0001 Dodongo's Cavern Boss Room Unused.
00D3 0001 Jabu-Jabu's Belly Boss Room Unused.
00D4-00E7 0014 Small Key Amount 0xFF Don't display keys
00D4 0001 Deku Tree Unused.
00D5 0001 Dodongo's Cavern Unused.
00D6 0001 Jabu-Jabu's Belly Unused.
00D7 0001 Forest Temple
00D8 0001 Fire Temple
00D9 0001 Water Temple
00DA 0001 Spirit Temple
00DB 0001 Shadow Temple
00DC 0001 Bottom of the Well
00DD 0001 Ice Cavern Unused.
00DE 0001 Ganon's Castle (Second Part) Unused.
00DF 0001 Gerudo Training Ground
00E0 0001 Gerudo Fortress Keys only work on the appropriate cells.
00E1 0001 Ganon's Castle (First Part)
00E2 0001 Ganon's Castle (Floor beneath boss chamber) Unused.
00E3 0001 Ganon's Castle (Crumbling) Unused.
00E4 0001 Treasure Chest Shop This byte is set to 0xFF whenever you enter the Treasure Chest Shop.
00E5 0001 Deku Tree Boss Room Unused.
00E6 0001 Dodongo's Cavern Boss Room Unused.
00E7 0001 Jabu-Jabu's Belly Boss Room
00E8 0001 Golden Skull Tokens Byte 0x00BE must have bit 0x80 set in order for the Golden Skull Token amount to be displayed on the gear screen.
00E9-00EB 0003 ?
00EC-0BF7 0B0C Scene Data Records There's one record for every scene. Each record has a length of 0x1C bytes.
0BF8-0E7B 0284 ?
0E7C-0E9B 0020 Farore's Wind Data Stores all the data for the Farore's Wind warp point.
0E7C-0E8F 0014 Farore's Wind Coords & Rotation
0E90-0E93 0004 Entrance Index
0E94-0E97 0004 Map Index
0E98-0E9B 0004 Is Set
0E9C-0EB3 0018 ?
0EB4-0EC9 0016 Skulltula Flags Stores which skulltulas you've collected. One byte for each dungeon and section of the world map.
0EB4 0001 Deku Tree
0EB5 0001 Dodongo's Cavern
0EB6 0001 Jabu-Jabu's Belly
0EB7 0001 Forest Temple
0EB8 0001 Fire Temple
0EB9 0001 Water Temple
0EBA 0001 Spirit Temple
0EBB 0001 Shadow Temple
0EBC 0001 Bottom of the Well
0EBD 0001 Ice Cavern
0EBE 0001 Hyrule Field
0EBF 0001 Lon Lon Ranch
0EC0 0001 Kokiri Forest
0EC1 0001 Lost Woods
0EC2 0001 Market
0EC3 0001 Death Mountain
0EC4 0001 Kakariko Village
0EC5 0001 Zora's Domain
0EC6 0001 Lake Hylia
0EC7 0001 Gerudo Valley
0EC8 0001 Gerudo's Fortress
0EC9 0001 Haunted Wasteland
0ECA-0ECF 0006 ?
0ED0-0ED3 0004 Horseback Archery Highscore
0ED4-0EDB 0008 ?
0EDC-0EDF 0004 Horse Race Record Time Stored in seconds.
0EE0-0EE3 0004 Marathon Record Time Stored in seconds.
0EE4-0EEB 0008 ?
0EEC-0??? ???? Event Flags
0???-0F4F ???? ?
0F50-0F53 0004 World Map Data
0F54-0F57 0004 ?
0F58-12B7 0360 Scarecrow's Song
12B8-136F 00B8 ?
1370-1389 001A Item Slot Data Record Stores which items you have on each Inventory Item Slot.
1370 0001 Deku Stick
1371 0001 Deku Nut
1372 0001 Bombs
1373 0001 Fairy Bow When changing Arrow in the sub-menu, this value is changed.
1374 0001 Fire Arrow Fire Arrow is not set as it isn't used as an inventory item.
1375 0001 Din's Fire
1376 0001 Fairy Slingshot
1377 0001 Ocarina Ocarina is not set as it isn't used as an inventory item.
1378 0001 Bombchus
1379 0001 Hook/longshot
137A 0001 Ice Arrow Ice Arrow is not set as it isn't used as an inventory item.
137B 0001 Farore's Wind
137C 0001 Boomerang
137D 0001 Lens of Truth
137E 0001 Magic Beans
137F 0001 Megaton Hammer
1380 0001 Light Arrow Light Arrow is not set as it isn't used as an inventory item.
1381 0001 Nayru's Love
1382 0001 Bottle #1
1383 0001 Bottle #2
1384 0001 Bottle #3
1385 0001 Bottle #4
1386 0001 Adult Trade Item
1387 0001 Child Trade Item
1388 0001 Iron Boots If you have the boots in the Tunic&Boots byte you can't write another item onto this slot without having it revert back whenever you open the Item Menu, load a scene, or watch a cutscene.
1389 0001 Hover Boots If you have the boots in the Tunic&Boots byte you can't write another item onto this slot without having it revert back whenever you open the Item Menu, load a scene, or watch a cutscene.
138A-13A1 0018 Inventory Grid Data (Child) Stores the placement of each Item Slot in the 6x4 Inventory Grid.
138A 0001 Slot (0,0)
138B 0001 Slot (1,0)
138C 0001 Slot (2,0)
138D 0001 Slot (3,0)
138E 0001 Slot (4,0)
138F 0001 Slot (5,0) / I Button
1390 0001 Slot (0,1)
1391 0001 Slot (1,1)
1392 0001 Slot (2,1)
1393 0001 Slot (3,1)
1394 0001 Slot (4,1)
1395 0001 Slot (5,1) / X Button
1396 0001 Slot (0,2)
1397 0001 Slot (1,2)
1398 0001 Slot (2,2)
1399 0001 Slot (3,2)
139A 0001 Slot (4,2)
139B 0001 Slot (5,2) / Y Button
139C 0001 Slot (0,3)
139D 0001 Slot (1,3)
139E 0001 Slot (2,3)
139F 0001 Slot (3,3)
13A0 0001 Slot (4,3)
13A1 0001 Slot (5,3) / II Button
13A2-13B9 0018 Inventory Grid Data (Adult) Stores the placement of each Item Slot in the 6x4 Inventory Grid.
13A2 0001 Slot (0,0)
13A3 0001 Slot (1,0)
13A4 0001 Slot (2,0)
13A5 0001 Slot (3,0)
13A6 0001 Slot (4,0)
13A7 0001 Slot (5,0) / I Button
13A8 0001 Slot (0,1)
13A9 0001 Slot (1,1)
13AA 0001 Slot (2,1)
13AB 0001 Slot (3,1)
13AC 0001 Slot (4,1)
13AD 0001 Slot (5,1) / X Button
13AE 0001 Slot (0,2)
13AF 0001 Slot (1,2)
13B0 0001 Slot (2,2)
13B1 0001 Slot (3,2)
13B2 0001 Slot (4,2)
13B3 0001 Slot (5,2) / Y Button
13B4 0001 Slot (0,3)
13B5 0001 Slot (1,3)
13B6 0001 Slot (2,3)
13B7 0001 Slot (3,3)
13B8 0001 Slot (4,3)
13B9 0001 Slot (5,3) / II Button
13BA-13BB 0002 ?
13BC-13CF 0014 Save Timestamp Used for the timestamp in the File Selection Menu. The file with the most recent timestamp will be selected by default in the file selection. If you save two files the same minute, it'll pick the first one.
13BC-13BF 0004 Year
13C0-13C3 0004 Month
13C4-13C7 0004 Day
13C8-13CB 0004 Hour
13CC-13CF 0004 Minute
13D0-13D3 0004 ?
13D4 0001 ? & Sheikah Interaction Flag
13D5-144F 007B
1450-1473 0024 Boss Battle Victories
1450-1453 0004 Gohma
1454-1457 0004 King Dodongo
1458-145B 0004 Barinade
145C-145F 0004 Phantom Ganon
1460-1463 0004 Volvagia
1464-1467 0004 Morpha
1468-146B 0004 Bongo Bongo
146C-146F 0004 Twinrova
1470-1473 0004 Gauntlet
1474-1497 0024 Boss Battle Record Time The record time is stored in the total amount of seconds multiplied by 30. (It is timed in frames)
1474-1477 0004 Gohma
1478-147B 0004 King Dodongo
147C-147F 0004 Barinade
1480-1483 0004 Phantom Ganon
1484-1487 0004 Volvagia
1488-148B 0004 Morpha
148C-148F 0004 Bongo Bongo
1490-1493 0004 Twinrova
1494-1497 0004 Gauntlet
1498-14D7 0040 Sheikah Stone Guide Flags ndst
1498 0001 Hyrule & Deku Tree
1499 0001 Deku Tree
149A 0001 Deku Tree & Hyrule
149B 0001 Dodongo's Cavern
149C 0001 Hyrule & Dodongo's Cavern
149D 0001 Dodongo's Cavern & Hyrule
149E 0001 Hyrule & Jabu-Jabu's Belly
149F 0001 Jabu-Jabu's Belly
14A0 0001 Jabu-Jabu's Belly & Hyrule
14A1 0001 Hyrule & Forest Temple
14A2 0001 Forest Temple
14A3 0001 Forest Temple
14A4 0001 Forest Temple, Hyrule & Fire Temple
14A5 0001 Fire Temple
14A6 0001 Fire Temple
14A7 0001 Fire Temple
14A8 0001 Fire Temple
14A9 0001 Hyrule & Ice Cavern
14AA 0001 Ice Cavern & Hyrule
14AB 0001 Water Temple
14AC 0001 Water Temple
14AD 0001 Water Temple
14AE 0001 Water Temple
14AF 0001 Water Temple & Hyrule
14B0 0001 Hyrule & Shadow Temple
14B1 0001 Hyrule & Shadow Temple
14B2 0001 Shadow Temple
14B3 0001 Shadow Temple
14B4 0001 Shadow Temple
14B5 0001 Shadow Temple & Hyrule
14B6 0001 Hyrule & Spirit Temple
14B7 0001 Spirit Temple
14B8 0001 Spirit Temple
14B9 0001 Spirit Temple
14BA 0001 Spirit Temple
14BB 0001 Spirit Temple
14BC 0001 Spirit Temple
14BD 0001 Spirit Temple
14BE 0001 Unused
14BF 0001 Ganon's Castle
14C0 0001 Fire Temple
14C1 0001 Bonus
14C2 0001 Bonus
14C3 0001 Bonus
14C4 0001 Unused
14C5 0001 Fire Temple
14C6-14D7 0012 Unused
14D8-14DB 0004 ?