Ocarina of Time Save Format

An almost fully documented list of the Ocarina of Time save format.


Type Description
Unknown The data may be used for unknown purposes.
Unused The data is not used by the game.
Collection The data is related and grouped together. Click to toggle.
Record The data is a structure. Click to view it.

Offset Length Usage Info
0000-0003 0004 Entrance Index Stores the Entrance Link starts/respawns at.
0004-0007 0004 Age
0008-000B 0004 Cutscene Offset
000C-000D 0002 Time of Day
000E-001B 000E ?
001C-0021 0006 File Validation Contains the string "ZELDAZ". If different, the save will be considered corrupt even if the checksum is valid.
0022-0023 0002 Death Counter The amount of times you've gotten a Game Over.
0024-002B 0008 File Name
002C 0001 Disk Drive Flag
002D 0001 Unused
002E-002F 0002 Heart Containers 0x10 for each heart
0030-0031 0002 Health 0x10 for each heart
0032 0001 Magic Meter Size
0033 0001 Magic
0034-0035 0002 Rupees
0036-0037 0002 Giant's Knife Amount Stores how many attacks you have left before it breaks. It is set to 8 whenever you buy the knife.
0038-003D 0006 ?
003E 0001 Biggoron Sword Flag The Giant's Knife becomes the Biggoron Sword when this byte is set.
003F 0001 ?
0040-0049 000A Equipped Data (Stored) This is where the game stores your equipment when you change age.
0040 0001 B Button Item
0041 0001 C-Left Button Item
0042 0001 C-Down Button Item
0043 0001 C-Right Button Item
0044 0001 C-Left Button Slot
0045 0001 C-Down Button Slot
0046 0001 C-Right Button Slot
0047 0001 Unused
0048 0001 Tunic & Boots
0049 0001 Sword & Shield
004A-0067 001E ?
0068-0071 000A Equipped Data (Current) This is where the game stores your current equipment.
0068 0001 B Button Item
0069 0001 C-Left Button Item
006A 0001 C-Down Button Item
006B 0001 C-Right Button Item
006C 0001 C-Left Button Slot
006D 0001 C-Down Button Slot
006E 0001 C-Right Button Slot
006F 0001 Unused
0070 0001 Tunic & Boots
0071 0001 Sword & Shield
0072-0073 0002 Unused
0074-008B 0018 Item Slot Item Stores which items you have on each Item Slot.
0074 0001 Deku Stick
0075 0001 Deku Nut
0076 0001 Bombs
0077 0001 Fairy Bow
0078 0001 Fire Arrow
0079 0001 Din's Fire
007A 0001 Fairy Slingshot
007B 0001 Ocarina
007C 0001 Bombchus
007D 0001 Hook/longshot
007E 0001 Ice Arrow
007F 0001 Farore's Wind
0080 0001 Boomerang
0081 0001 Lens of Truth
0082 0001 Magic Beans
0083 0001 Megaton Hammer
0084 0001 Light Arrow
0085 0001 Nayru's Love
0086 0001 Bottle #1
0087 0001 Bottle #2
0088 0001 Bottle #3
0089 0001 Bottle #4
008A 0001 Adult Trade Item
008B 0001 Child Trade Item
008C-009A 000F Item Slot Amount Stores how many you have of each item.
008C 0001 Deku Stick
008D 0001 Deku Nut
008E 0001 Bomb
008F 0001 Fairy Bow
0090 0001 Fire Arrow Unused.
0091 0001 Din's Fire Unused.
0092 0001 Fairy Slingshot
0093 0001 Ocarina Unused.
0094 0001 Bombchu
0095 0001 Hook/longshot Unused.
0096 0001 Ice Arrow Unused.
0097 0001 Farore's Wind Unused.
0098 0001 Boomerang Unused.
0099 0001 Lens of Truth Unused.
009A 0001 Magic Beans
009B 0001 Magic Beans Available The amount of Magic Beans available for purchase.
009C-00A3 0008 Equipment Data
009C 0001 Tunic & Boots
009D 0001 Sword & Shield
009E-00A0 0003 Unused
00A1 0001 Deku Stick & Nut Capacity
00A2 0001 Dive Meter, Wallet & Bullet Bag
00A3 0001 Quiver, Bomb Bag & Strength
00A4-00A7 0004 Quest Status Data
00A4 0001 Heart Pieces
00A5 0001 Songs, Spiritual Stones & Gear
00A6 0001 Songs
00A7 0001 Medallions & Songs
00A8-00BB 0014 Dungeon Items
00A8 0001 Deku Tree
00A9 0001 Dodongo's Cavern
00AA 0001 Jabu-Jabu's Belly
00AB 0001 Forest Temple
00AC 0001 Fire Temple
00AD 0001 Water Temple
00AE 0001 Spirit Temple
00AF 0001 Shadow Temple
00B0 0001 Bottom of the Well
00B1 0001 Ice Cavern
00B2 0001 Ganon's Castle (Second Part)
00B3 0001 Gerudo Training Ground Unused.
00B4 0001 Gerudo Fortress Unused.
00B5 0001 Ganon's Castle (First Part) Unused.
00B6 0001 Ganon's Castle (Floor beneath boss chamber) Unused.
00B7 0001 Ganon's Castle (Crumbling) Unused.
00B8 0001 Treasure Chest Shop Unused.
00B9 0001 Deku Tree Boss Room Unused.
00BA 0001 Dodongo's Cavern Boss Room Unused.
00BB 0001 Jabu-Jabu's Belly Boss Room Unused.
00BC-00CF 0014 Small Key Amount 0xFF Don't display keys
00BC 0001 Deku Tree Unused.
00BD 0001 Dodongo's Cavern Unused.
00BE 0001 Jabu-Jabu's Belly Unused.
00BF 0001 Forest Temple
00C0 0001 Fire Temple
00C1 0001 Water Temple
00C2 0001 Spirit Temple
00C3 0001 Shadow Temple
00C4 0001 Bottom of the Well
00C5 0001 Ice Cavern Unused.
00C6 0001 Ganon's Castle (Second Part) Unused.
00C7 0001 Gerudo Training Ground
00C8 0001 Gerudo Fortress Keys only work on the appropriate cells.
00C9 0001 Ganon's Castle (First Part)
00CA 0001 Ganon's Castle (Floor beneath boss chamber) Unused.
00CB 0001 Ganon's Castle (Crumbling) Unused.
00CC 0001 Treasure Chest Shop This byte is set to 0xFF whenever you enter the Treasure Chest Shop.
00CD 0001 Deku Tree Boss Room Unused.
00CE 0001 Dodongo's Cavern Boss Room Unused.
00CF 0001 Jabu-Jabu's Belly Boss Room Unused.
00D0-00D1 0002 Gold Skulltula Token Byte 0x00A5 must have bit 0x80 set in order for the Golden Skull Token amount to be displayed on the quest status screen
00D2-00D3 0002 ?
00D4-0BDF 0B0C Scene Data Records There's one record for every scene. Each record has a length of 0x1C bytes.
0BE0-0E63 0284 ?
0E64-0E83 0020 Farore's Wind Data Stores all the data for the Farore's Wind warp point.
0E64-0E67 0004 X Coordinate
0E68-0E6B 0004 Y Coordinate
0E6C-0E6F 0004 Z Coordinate
0E70-0E73 0004 Y-Axis Rotation
0E74-0E77 0004 ?
0E78-0E7B 0004 Entrance Index
0E7C-0E7F 0004 Map Index
0E80-0E83 0004 Is Set
0E84-0E9B 0018 ?
0E9C-0EB3 0018 Skulltula Flags Stores which skulltulas you've collected. One byte for each dungeon and section of the world map.
0E9C 0001 Forest Temple
0E9D 0001 Jabu-Jabu's Belly
0E9E 0001 Dodongo's Cavern
0E9F 0001 Deku Tree
0EA0 0001 Shadow Temple
0EA1 0001 Spirit Temple
0EA2 0001 Water Temple
0EA3 0001 Fire Temple
0EA4 0001 Lon Lon Ranch
0EA5 0001 Hyrule Field
0EA6 0001 Ice Cavern
0EA7 0001 Bottom of the Well
0EA8 0001 Death Mountain
0EA9 0001 Market
0EAA 0001 Lost Woods
0EAB 0001 Kokiri Forest
0EAC 0001 Gerudo Valley
0EAD 0001 Lake Hylia
0EAE 0001 Zora's Domain
0EAF 0001 Kakariko Village
0EB0-0EB1 0002 Unused
0EB2 0001 Haunted Wasteland
0EB3 0001 Gerudo's Fortress
0EB4-0EB7 0004 ?
0EB8-0EBB 0004 Horseback Archery Highscore
0EBC-0EC3 0008 ?
0EC4-0EC7 0004 Horse Race Record Time Stored in seconds.
0EC8-0ECB 0004 Marathon Record Time Stored in seconds.
0ECC-0ED3 0008 ?
0ED4-0??? ???? Event Flags
0???-0F37 ???? ?
0F38-0F3B 0004 World Map Exploration Data
0F3C-0F3F 0004 ?
0F40-12A3 0364 Scarecrow's Song (Long)
12A4-12C3 0020 Unused?
12C4-1343 0080 Scarecrow's Song (8 Notes)
1344-1347 0004 ? It is read when changing Scarecrow's Song